Diadynamic therapy

Diadynamic therapy is a type of electrotherapy which uses certain parameters of electric current: sine-wave current at the frequency of 50–100 Hz. The current is primarily to affect nerve tissue, in which it contributes to weakening pain impulses. Depending on the strength and interval of the sine-wave current, it also causes muscle contraction, which is perceived as slight tremor and buzzing in the area where the electrode is placed. Diadynamic therapy reduces swelling, relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation and alleviates pain.

This is a medical procedure that can only be performed on the basis of a doctor’s referral (must be on paper).  

All appointments need to be pre-booked.

Indications for diadynamic therapy:

  • acute or chronic pain
  • post-traumatic conditions
  • sprained ligaments or pulled muscles
  • intestinal atony and spastic states
  • enuresis (urinary incontinence)
  • encopresis (fecal leakage)


Contraindications for diadynamic therapy:

  • pregnancy
  • varicose veins and vain inflammations
  • tumours
  • blood clot risk
  • artificial cardiac pacemaker or other electronic medical devices
  • skin sensitivity disorder in the treatable area
  • intolerance towards the treatment


Magnet therapy is mostly prescribed in a series of 8 to 10 treatments. A treatment lasts 3 to 10 minutes.