
Spirometry is a test that measures respiratory function, registering the volume and speed (flow) of the air that in inhaled and exhaled. It is helpful in assessing lung volume, elasticity and the patency of airways. Spirometry is used for the diagnostics and evaluation of treatment effectiveness in case of pulmonary diseases, for instance, exercise-induces asthma.

We only perform spirometry as part of a health examination package.

Spirometry is performed under the supervision of a nurse, and the results depend on correct performance and the person’s readiness to achieve the best possible output. During the test, the person’s nose is pinched with a clamp, and they breathe through the mouthpiece.

The test consists of two stages:

1. Recording the lung volume (vital capacity)

The patient slowly exhales, then inhales as much as they can, takes the mouthpiece into the mouth and breathes out all the air from the longs at a regular pace.

2. Recording forced vital capacity

The patient slowly exhales, then inhales as much as they can and breathes out all the air from the lungs quickly and with force. The exhalation must last for at least six seconds and is repeated until at least three similar results are obtained.

The test result is printed out as a diagram (flow/volume graph) and a set of numerical data, which are compared against reference values depending on the age, sex and height.